WedInk Tattle

The Definitive Guide to Asia's Crème de la Crème of Wedding Experts and Glitterati

Tag Archives: Keep Gallery

Do’s and Don’ts of Preparing for a Destination Wedding Photography

Destination Wedding Photography has become a mainstream trend among Asian couples. Pre-wedding photography, as we call it, is a big thing in Asia and most couples are willing to go the extra mile by zig-zagging across continents just to have the their photos taken in the most beautiful setting. When they do, they will need to engage a professional destination wedding photographer.

Featuring the works of professional photographers at Keep Gallery, here are some key tips to consider when you are planning and preparing for your destination wedding photography.

If you are going to fork out the flight ticket, lodging, meals and out-of-pocket expenses of your photographer, why skimp on their professional fees? There is a reason renowned photographers charge a certain price for their work. If you expect your photographer to be a true professional, then you should also expect to pay ‘professional’ rates. An experienced, well travelled professional photographer will be well equipped for logistical challenges of a destination wedding shoot. So, hire someone you know you can truly trust to deliver the best, and not because he/she is cheap.

DON’T be the DIRECTOR of Your Shoot
No one likes to work with someone who thinks he/she “knows better”. While you may be familiar with the locale of your destination, allow your photographer the flexibility to be creative with their shots. Decide on the locations but don’t direct them what to do, what should be done or worse, HOW it should be done.

DON’T Fall into the Trappings of ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGES
You’ve heard of the saying. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Just because it comes as a ‘packaged deal’, does not mean it is the best deal. Take control of your decisions. If there is something that you do not like in the package, ask if you can remove it or change it with something else. Don’t be coerced into signing up for an offer, only to regret it later on. More importantly, read the fine lines.

DON’T RUSH through a Trip
Yes, time is money. The longer your photographers spend abroad, the more money you’ll need to fork out BUT, it is very important that your photographers arrive at your destination a day or two prior to the shooting date so that he/she will have plenty of time to scout around and familiarize themselves with the area. During the shoot, time is an important factor so plan out your itinerary so that you’ll be able to cover the areas you want to shoot and make allowance for unexpected incidents. Natural lighting, lighting direction, sunrise or sunset are some of the important factors that photographers consider when planning their shots especially areas where you’ll need to travel a distance from point to point. So, have a thorough discussion with your photographer during the planning stages.

DO Your RESEARCH Thoroughly
The details are in the planning. Research on your destination. Find out the seasonality of your location as well as special holidays which may coincide with your travel period. For example, if your scheduled trip happened to fall during the holiday season for the particular destination, you might be fighting for shots with so many other tourists and paying double the price for your accommodation during the peak season. You must, and absolutely must plan for all the added extras that may incur including car rentals, additional baggage allowance, travel insurance, make up artist, permits or entry fees into certain locations.

DO have CHEMISTRY with Your Wedding Photographer
Hire a photographer whom you’ll be comfortable with as you are going to be entrusting him the responsibility of capturing your candid beauty in a foreign land. You need to ensure he is someone whom you’ll get along with, and trust us when we say that it WILL show in the images.

DO Share as Much INFORMATION Possible with Your Wedding Photographer
Is there a reason why you chose that specific location for your shoot? Is that where the groom proposed to the bride? Are you a person who is fixated at posed shots or do you prefer more natural shots? The more information you share, the better it would be for the photographer to plan and conceptualise the shots that best fit your sensibilities.

Keep Gallery now has up to four outlets to serve you better. To view more of their work, visit their studios located at SS2 Petaling Jaya, Bandar Sunway, Klang or Ipoh, Perak. You can also check out their portfolio at the upcoming KL-PJ Wedding Expo 2011, from 20 – 22 May 2011 at The Midvalley Exhibition Centre, KL.

A is for Apple of My Eye

An alphabet a day brings the inspiration to bay. That’s what we hope to achieve within these next few months as we try our level best to give you an ah-may-zing A-Z eye-candy rundown of essential, inspiration-rich wedding goodness.

We start off with Paula and Andy, both from Kuala Lumpur, who envisioned a fuss-free cocktail wedding that is simple and elegant with a hearty dose of old-fashioned love. With an apple tree logo designed by their close friend, green and white naturally became the perfect palette for their wedding, brought to life by green hydrangeas and garlands of white dendrobiums as the theme flowers. Only a handful of closest friends and family were invited to witness the signing ceremony of this lovely couple.

To show their appreciation, the names of all guests were painstakingly hand drawn onto a three-tiered carrot walnut cake by TrulyScrumptious!. Guests were required to locate their names on the wedding cake, then snap a polaroid picture of themselves as they pose with their names on the cake and finish off with a wedding wish for the couple. For their first dance, the couple fox-trotted to Michael Bublé’s version of ‘Come Fly with Me’. Towards the end of the wedding, they surprised the matron of honour’s husband with a birthday cake and song.

We love the freshness of the apple green against an old-fashioned ambience that looks effortlessly down-to-earth and cozy. But what really knocked us off our socks is the fact that the groom, Andy proposed to Paula on a helicopter ride!

Wedding Location: Malaysia
Size of Function: 180 guests

Wedding Reception: Bankers Club, Kuala Lumpur
Wedding Coordinator: Natasha Khoo, The Peak Xperience
Wedding Photography: Sam Leong, Keep Gallery 
Wedding Gown: Pronovias,
Designer Bridal Room
Wedding Rings: Tiffany & Co
Floral Design:
Wishing Tree
Wedding Cake: TrulyScrumptious!
Live Entertainment:
Mosaic Music Entertainment